Sunday, September 26, 2010

Losing Focus

What's up blog world I've been gone for awhile but now I am back! I haven't posted anything in months and its not because there hasn't been a million things I could have said but work has been a beast these first 3 months. It is so easy to get lost in the day to day shuffles of life and before you know it, you look up and realize you have lost focus. I was reading a research article on where all strong leaders or managers should focus their energies and it was then that I noticed that I had lost focus. Where did it all derail? What causes things to often appear blurry when the basics in life should be crystal clear? It's right when you feel that you have a pulse on exactly who you are as a person, and where you want to go in life that things often get complicated. However, its in the most tempered moments that we are made the strongest. So each tough moment look through the looking glass and find a way to re-charge and re-focus because its only a momentary set back for the next set up on the path to success.

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